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Castle Acre Primary School

Wednesday 10th June


Today’s spellings to learn and use in a sentence are:

Year 3:    cousin   encouragement   flourish  nourish  nourishment

 Year 2 : cousin    copying   copied   replied replying



Year 2 CPG Comprehension Book 1

Read ‘Sports ‘and answer the questions in full sentence.

Year 3 CPG Comprehension Book 1

Read  ‘High Adventure’  and answer the questions in full sentence.

Year 3 CPG Stretch Target Book

Read the extract for ‘Wild Eyes and answer the questions in full sentences.

Choose one of the extra activities to complete.

Witches Reading Group

Read ‘Edmund Hillary’  and answer the questions in full sentence.


Mental Maths

Year 3:  Fraction focus level 3 and 4

Year 2 : Fraction focus level 2 and 3

Year 3

More Equivalent Fractions!

Watch the video

Complete the Year 3 Fractions for all.

Then  try one of the Year 3 Problem Solving Fraction Challenges.

Year 2

More Fractions!

Finding a half.

Watch the video

Complete the Year 2 Fraction Challenge for all.

Then try one of the Year 2 Problem Solving Fraction Challenges.


Click on the link above and have a go at Rainbow yoga.

There may be some other activities that you fancy doing as well on the web site.

Don’t forget the new Virtual Challenge : ‘The Rainbow Run’ taking place on Friday 19th June.