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Castle Acre Primary School

Friday 5th June

Hello and welcome to the end of our 1st week back - take a deep breath...2 days free of school tasks after this!


1st - spellings...can someone test you? If not - simply practise for the last time this week and challenge yourself to write them all without looking more than once!

Today it is creative writing and the challenge is this....

Work your way through the Power-point below and then complete the POSTER challenge at the end.

The aim is to use different types of sentences in your poster.

You could write it in your books, on a piece of large paper, or do it on your laptop/tablet.

I look forward to seeing your work.


1st - times table practise for 5 minutes ever. 

Year 3 - make sure you use the 7-11 tab once on the website.

Year 2

Representing numbers and place value

1. look at the link and watch the videos/games 

2. Complete the Y2 sheet - look at the extension task if you have time.

Year 3 

Problem solving - multiplication and DIVISION (linked to your fraction work this week)

1. Look at the videos/games in the link. 

2. Complete the Y3 challenge questions


Linked to our new Rainforest theme, this week's art has a slightly tropical and feathery feel!

Your challenge is to create an AMAZING AMAZONIAN PARROT.

There is a template for you to use if you need it.

Make it as large as you can - think stunning colours, patterns, add sequins, foil and feathers if you have any - or make some paper feathers using your folding/cutting skills.

Could you make a 3d version/model?

Could you stick it to a piece of card and decorate both sides so that you could hang it up?

There  is also an extension - paper butterfly task (if you have no pipe cleaners, tie with string, ribbon, wool etc.).

And just for those that like it - some mindfulness rainforest colouring sheets.