On Tuesday 16th Jaunary, the Year 2 children together with Mrs Easter and Mrs Bridgeman, attended the 'Infant Agility Festival' at The Nicholas Hamond Academy, Swaffham. The emphasis was upon having fun whilst competing against a number of other schools. The children took part in 12 activities which involved them executing a number of different skills to improve their agility, balance and co-ordination. A few of these were skipping with hoops, skittle football, hurdling, sprinting and throwing games.
Phoebe said, " We had a wonderful time"... whilst Joe said, " I really enjoyed learning new skills." Scarlett's favourite actviity was throwing the bean bag into the hoop to score points and Milo felt the festival helped him to improve his skills. Finally, Sophie remarked upon how all of the class persevered to do their best.
Both Mrs Easter and Mrs Bridgeman remarked that all the children were very well behaved and a credit to the school. Well done everyone!