Mental oral starter
You will need a piece of paper and a pencil
Click on the web link and click on either level 1 addition to practise your number bonds to 10 or 20 or level 2 addition to practise numbers to 100 ( tens ) or just number bonds to 100. Set the timer and see how quickly and accurately you can write down your answers. Don’t forget to keep your score.
Click on the video link below which refreshes strategies for adding 3 1 digit numbers in your head.
You will need a piece of paper and a pencil.
After you have watched the video and completed the activities try playing this game.
Either roll 3 dice or roll a dice 3 times. Or click here to use an interactive dice (Just drag the green dice and /or the numbered dice on to the screen three times .To spin the dice click the 2 dice at the side . )
See how quickly you can add up the numbers in your head using your knowledge of number bonds, doubles or near doubles. Try playing against someone in your family.
Extra Challenges
If you have time you could try the mental challenges attached below :
Mental Challenge Year 2; Mental Challenge Year 3 or the Maze 100 Challenge( Year 3)
We are going to be learning lots of Geography skills through the unit called Villages, Towns and Cities.
Our first lesson is called Where are the world’s people? You can start the lesson by clicking on the link below. You will only need paper, a pencil and your brain for the lesson. The lesson is about 35 minutes long so you may want to pause it half way along for a short movement break and to give your eyes a rest from looking at a screen. The lesson is supposed to start with a quiz however at the time of watching the lesson I could only find the quiz at the end so please do not worry about the quiz at the start. Enjoy your lesson with Mr Hutchinson!
At school Whitebeam will be having their weekly PE lesson so if you didn't joined Joe Wicks this morning why not try out his fitness session or try a yoga session at ‘Cosmic Kids Yoga’ also on YouTube. There are lots of different routines to choose from.