Mental oral starter
You will need a piece of paper and a pencil.
There is a Year 2 tables booklet, a Year 3 tables booklet and an Ultimate Time Tables Challenge for Year 3. Choose one of the challenges from one of the booklets or if you are feeling brave in Year 3 choose the Ultimate Times Tables Challenge.
There is no need to print off the sheet, just jot your answers down on a piece of paper and time yourself. Post your result on your class dojo with your time.
Today we are continuing to focus upon doubling or multiplying by 2, or in Year 3 how we can use our 2 times tables to help us work out our 4 and 8 times tables.
There are a number of different activities below which you need to choose from (either year 2 or year 3) which best suits you. Remember though to challenge yourself.
Year 2 Here is a song to help you learn your 2 tables and some follow up activities to complete after to help you remember you 2 times tables
Click on the link to watch the video.
Have the Year 2 Challenge worksheet ready while you are watching the video as you will need to pause the video at certain points. Again you don’t need to print off the worksheet just jot your answers down on a piece of pape.r
There are some Year 2 Activity Cards linked to the 2x table which you may want to complete as well.
Year 3
Click on the link to watch the video.
Have the Year 3 Challenge worksheet ready while you are watching the video as you will need to pause the video at certain points. Again you don’t need to print off the worksheet just jot your answers down on a piece of paper.
There are some additional activities attached as well for year 3.
The tables at the Double Challenge will help Year 3 to see clearly the connection between the 2x,4x and 8x tables.
There is also a 3 Star Problem Solving Challenge plus attached if you wish to have a go.
Extension Question Year 3
True or False?To multiply by 8 you can multiply by 2 and then double your answer twice.
We look forward to show us how you can prove this. You will need to give an example, maybe include drawings as well.
Times Tables Songs
This is a link which if you click on brings you to all the songs for each times table .
Today our focus will be on reading texts and answering questions relating to them. Please choose one that is appropriate to the reading level of your child.
Draw a timeline of events in a story you have read. What will you draw for the beginning of the story? What happens next? What will your time line look like? We look forward to seeing all the different ways you have chosen to draw your timeline.
Please copy out the poem The Planet Blatt using the cursive handwriting style.
Don't forget to complete your 6 sessions of science work by Friday 15th,we look forward to seeing it.
Please make sure you are uploading your work on to class dojo , we really enjoy seeing it. Many thanks.