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Castle Acre Primary School

Summer Term 1

Digital Science Magazines  are attached below.

E-Safety information for parents with activities to help children keep safe online during this tricky time

Welcome back!  We both hope you are all safe and keeping well, and have had a lovely, restful Easter, eaten  lots of chocolate , as well  spending  some time out  in the glorious sunshine.

As for last term,  work will put on the website each day. Please keep posting examples of your work on Class Dojo together with anything exciting you may been doing  during the week.  We both really enjoy seeing it. 

On the main page of the website under News and Events there are also some new  PE resources and challenges on line available for you try, as well as your daily session of Joe Wicks!  ( logins should have been sent to you all via text for , if not let us know via Class Dojo and we can send them to you again)

BBC bitesize is also launching a variety of  daily lessons on line for each year group, starting today, Monday 20th April. Click on this link to take you to the website:

The new terms spellings are below together with copies of the common exception words Year 2   and year 3 have been learning throughout the year. Please continue to practise your  spellings daily.

Norfolk Virtual School Games

All of the Nar Valley Federation Schools have now been enrolled to take part in the Norfolk School Games .This week, on Monday 27th April, Norfolk School Games launched their Virtual School Games Competitions online. This means that all of our children are able to take part in the various challenges that will be posted.

Click on the link below to find out more about how you can take part.

The first virtual challenge is MINI TENNIS

To find out how to enter click on the link below.

Looks fun for all the family!

The Second virtual challenge is CRICKET and ANGLING!!

To find out about it click on the links below.



The third virtual challenge is ATHLETICS

To find out how to enter click on the link below. 

The fourth virtual challenge is TRIGOLF

To take part click on the link below.